About Us

Hello customer. We are glad you visit our web page. Let us introduce our workshop.

We are small group of re-enactors who are fond of history of Middle Ages. Mostly we re-enact High and Late Middle Ages, but our interests are not limited only these historical period. We're also interesting in fantasy, science fiction, steam punk etc.

As re-enactors we always have fancy for trifles and dress accessories as well as medieval jewellery. Because the accessories do costume complete and give it zest.
This interest moved us for creation of such things. And now we are ready introduce the results of our work.

We make copies of medieval accessories and jewellery and its author's stylization. We do Investment Casting in bronze, brass and silver. To make our models more beautiful we also use enamel and semiprecious stones, silver- and gold- plating.

Medieval accessoriesAs to your wish we can make for you any subject from our gallery as well as individual item for your picture. But you should understand it takes more communication, time, resources and a lot of patience. 

Everyone knows that each order consists of three items: price, quality and quickness. Unfortunately we can only dream about when the product will be and cheap and super quality and very quick-made. 

Of course we are always on that way but there is a place for a compromise too. Therefore we determine our style of work fairy.

“Cool, long, available” - that is our motto. If you don't like such approach even this we can discuss.

Sincerely Yours, Anton and Ludmila

Medieval accessories

Medieval accessories from our shop could be great supplement to your re-enactment costume.

All metal accessories are handmade brass cast. Design of every model based on historical resources – archaeological findings, medieval and renaissance manuscripts, paintings of famous artists.


In a Middle Ages the amount and quality of cast accessories in the costume demonstrated social status of a person. The following medieval accessories: brooches, badges, buckles and strap ends, knight chains Etc. could be gilt, covered with silver or enamel, inlaid with gems.